Neck StrainBecause other areas of the neck (cervical), mid back (thoracic), and low back (lumbar) may be affected as well, your chiropractor will analyze your spine as a whole. Chiropractors address the "whole person" rather than simply your individual ailments, in addition to the spine as a whole. In addition to treating your neck discomfort, he or she might teach you about diet, stress management, and lifestyle objectives.

The chiropractor will perform a comprehensive examination to diagnose the precise cause of your neck discomfort before determining which treatment method to pursue for your pain. He or she will look at how you walk, as well as your overall posture and spinal alignment, to evaluate any areas of restricted movement. These actions will assist your chiropractor in gaining a better understanding of your body mechanics.

You'll go over your medical history with the chiropractor in addition to the physical exam, and he or she may prescribe imaging tests (such as an x-ray or an MRI) to assist pinpoint the specific reason of your neck pain. All of these phases in the diagnostic process will provide your chiropractor with more information about your neck discomfort, allowing them to build a treatment plan that is specifically tailored to your needs.

Your chiropractor will also rule out a neck pain issue that requires surgery; if he or she believes your neck pain is better treated with surgery, you'll be referred to a spine surgeon.

Neck Pain Chiropractic Treatment

As part of your treatment strategy for neck pain, your chiropractor may employ a combination of spinal manipulation, manual therapy, and other methods. A chiropractor may utilize the procedures listed below to manipulate your spine.

  • Flexion-distraction therapy is a gentle, hands-on spinal manipulation that uses a pumping motion on the intervertebral disc rather than direct force.
  • Instrument-assisted manipulation makes use of a hand-held instrument to allow your chiropractor to apply force to the spine without actually pushing it.
  • Using a mild thrusting approach, specific spinal manipulation restores joint mobility.

In addition, manual techniques may be utilized by your chiropractor treat your neck pain:

  • Special devices are used to diagnose and relieve muscular tension in instrument-assisted soft tissue treatment.
  • Neck discomfort and other symptoms can be reduced by manual joint stretching and resistance exercises.
  • Tight muscles can benefit from therapeutic massage.
  • Trigger point treatment is a technique for releasing muscle tension and pain.

Neck discomfort can be treated with a variety of different methods.

  • A low frequency electrical current is used to stimulate neck muscles in inferential electrical stimulation.
  • Ultrasound waves are sent into the muscle tissues of your neck to relieve stiffness and soreness.

Therapeutic activities/ exercises may also be prescribed to assist improve your neck's total range of motion and prevent neck discomfort from worsening.

The above therapies are only examples of possible chiropractic neck pain treatments; your specific treatment plan will be determined by your diagnosis. Your chiropractor should go over all of your treatment choices with you so you understand what to expect.
