Can Chiropractic Services Help With A Frozen Shoulder

Can Chiropractic Services Help With A Frozen Shoulder?

Frozen shoulder, also known as Adhesive capsulitis, is a progressive disease that affects around 2–5% of the world’s population. According to research, people above 50 are more susceptible to it. Similarly, women are more likely to develop frozen shoulders than men. Did you know that chiropractic care can work wonders for a frozen shoulder? Maybe it’s time to consider a chiropractor for frozen shoulder.

What is Frozen Shoulder?

Imagine a ball fit into a socket that rotates at a 360-degree angle. The human shoulder is structurally a ball-and-socket joint surrounded by a connective tissue called the capsule.

In the case of a frozen shoulder, the capsule thickens, resulting in stiffness and a limited range of movement. Consequently, there’s not enough synovial fluid in the joints to provide lubrication which further causes inflammation and pain.

The exact cause of this condition is unknown. It is mostly due to an injury. Research studies have linked diseases like diabetes, hyperthyroidism, Parkinson’s, and others to the development of a frozen shoulder. The physician may perform a physical exam followed by an X-ray, MRI, and ultrasounds to rule out other possibilities.

What are the symptoms of a frozen shoulder?

The person suffering from a frozen shoulder will feel stiffness in the shoulder joint followed by pain. The symptoms are divided into three stages:

  • Freezing stage: 

The freezing stage is characterized by continuous pain that worsens with time. Movement is limited. It can last anywhere from 6 weeks to 9 months.

  • Frozen stage:

The pain subsides, but the stiffness worsens. It gets even harder to move the shoulder and may last 4 to 12 months.

  • Thawing stage:

Improvement is visible in the thawing stage. The pain and stiffness slowly fade, and the range of motion returns to normal. It can take 6 months to 2 years.

What are the treatment options for a frozen shoulder?

The first line of treatment includes pain relief medication and steroid injections to improve the quality of life. While it’s a conventional method of treatment, it isn’t sustainable in the long term. Physiotherapy is also an option.

Many people have started to incline toward chiropractic methods as a treatment option for frozen shoulder. It helps speed up the recovery process and restore the range of motion for the shoulder joint. However, progress is still heavily dependent on the condition of the suffering individual.

Chiropractors employ the Niel Asher Technique, which helps improve joint mobility by manipulating and adjusting the muscles and freeing the connective capsule. Frozen shoulder chiropractic relief is not a bad idea, considering the progress of many patients. Research studies have reported a positive response in patients receiving chiropractic care for managing frozen shoulder.


If you’re looking for chiropractic services in Grapevine, Align Health Grapevine is where you need to go. They have qualified and highly trained professionals with the skills required to treat the condition and provide relief. Reach out to the team and discuss whatever questions you may have.

Why Does Your Neck Hurt After an Auto Accident

Why Does Your Neck Hurt After an Auto Accident?

Car accidents are extremely dangerous and can cause lasting damage. At the time of impact, your body is flooded with adrenaline, which can mask the level of pain from injuries and lead an individual to believe their injuries are minor. It’s important that individuals immediately go to the doctor following a car accident to have a medical professional evaluate their injuries and make sure they are not serious.

One common injury from car accidents is whiplash, which happens when your head whips forward as a result of a collision. While this injury does not result in death or paralysis, it can still be frightening and extremely painful. Luckily, whiplash can be treated in a variety of ways. This article will outline the symptoms of whiplash and outline chiropractic care for this injury.

Symptoms of Whiplash

The most common signs of a whiplash injury are pain and tenderness in the neck. These symptoms might not be immediately present due to adrenaline, and they might begin to appear a day or two after an accident. Contact your doctor if you notice any of the following symptoms:

  • Loss of neck range of motion
  • Neck pain that worsens with movement
  • Headaches that begin at the base of the skull
  • Shoulder, back, and upper arm pain or tenderness
  • Tingling or dead sensation in your arms
  • Memory or concentration issues
  • Dizziness and fatigue
  • Anger and lack of sleep
  • Ringing in the ears and hazy vision

Whiplash Diagnosis

Whiplash is diagnosed in a few steps. You should consult your doctor about the symptoms you’ve been experiencing. They will begin an examination by getting your medical background and more details about causes for the whiplash injury.

They will also do a physical exam that involves moving your head, back, shoulders, and arms. The range of motion test can help determine the severity of a whiplash injury and identify where pain is coming from and if it worsens with particular movement. They will focus on your neck, shoulders, and back for tenderness, as these are common areas that whiplash pain presents. They will also check your reflexes and strength and see whether any of your limbs feel tingly or numb.

When you go to the doctor, you should be as honest as possible about what hurts and how severe your injuries are. This will assist them in developing a treatment plan that will assist them in recovering.

Whiplash Treatments

Once your doctor gives you an official diagnosis of whiplash, the next steps are to make a treatment plan. The goal of treatment is to reduce pain and restore mobility in your neck.

Pain management includes getting rest, putting a hot or cold pack on your neck to reduce pain, or taking over-the-counter medication. On a doctor’s recommendation, individuals can take muscle relaxants or injections to loosen up muscles in the neck and ease discomfort.

Restoring mobility in the neck can be accomplished through simple exercises, physical therapy, chiropractic care, or massages. Led by trained professionals, these activities guide individuals in strengthening neck muscles and moving the neck correctly, which can prevent further injury.

Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractic treatment is when chiropractors manipulate joints in the neck or spine. Whiplash can cause joints in the neck to become misaligned, and chiropractors can adjust the joints back in the correct place. This adjustment brings relief to the patient and can aid in increasing mobility.

Align Health Grapevine

If you are looking for a chiropractor for an auto accident injury, turn to the experts at Align Health Grapevine. Our doctors will assess your injury and work to return your neck and back to their proper positions. Contact us today to set up an appointment and relief from your injury!

Should Expecting Mothers See a Chiropractor

Should Expecting Mothers See a Chiropractor?

It is no secret that pregnant women often have uncomfortable physical symptoms, such as nausea, back pain, and exhaustion. Even if you have not experienced pregnancy, you have likely heard stories about the ordeal of becoming a mother.

The female body undergoes various physiological and physical changes throughout pregnancy. This is done to provide optimal conditions for the developing fetus. Occasionally, these alterations only result in mild discomfort. Still, sometimes they put women at risk for more significant difficulties during labor and delivery, such as breech birth or the need for an emergency cesarean surgery. Chiropractors employ techniques that have been shown to alleviate some of the discomforts associated with pregnancy, leading to a more positive experience for both mother and child.

Here are five reasons why pregnant women may consider visiting a pregnancy chiropractor.

Lessening of the Symptom of Nausea

Nausea, also known as “morning sickness,” is one of the most common pregnancy symptoms and is most unpleasant and trying during the first trimester. Reducing nausea and vomiting with the help of a chiropractor is possible due to the realignment of the spine and the subsequent improvement in nervous system function. Your hormones will be in a better place to regulate your pregnancy, and you will no longer feel as nauseous in the morning.

In addition to relieving nausea, chiropractic therapy can help with other digestive concerns like heartburn and constipation.

Improved Effortlessness of Giving Birth

An easy delivery that does not last for hours is preferable to temporary labor marked by discomfort. Chiropractic care can help pregnant women maintain healthy nerve function and spinal alignment by realigning the pelvis, spine, and hips at regular intervals. Since your nerves regulate contractions and cervix dilation throughout labor and delivery, taking care of them can facilitate more rapid labor and more comfortable birth.

Prenatal chiropractic therapy can be beneficial for women who seek drug-free childbirth.

Effective Treatment for Back Ache

The body produces the hormone relaxin in preparation for labor and delivery, and it causes the ligaments and joints in the pelvic area to loosen and relax. As a result, some people may have instability and pain in their spines as the ligaments that support the spine reduce and become more brittle. Back pain during pregnancy is expected because of the hormone relaxin, which causes ligaments and joints to loosen and can be alleviated by regular chiropractic adjustments.

Postural issues brought on by a bigger tummy may also contribute to the ache in the back experienced by pregnant women. Some mothers may unknowingly round their backs as their babies grow, which can cause spinal misalignment and pain. Back discomfort can be alleviated by adjusting the patient’s posture and spinal curvature.

Put Your Baby in the Best Possible Position

When a baby is not in the position to be delivered head first, they are said to be in a breech position, and this can cause issues such as a prolapsed umbilical cord, a more challenging vaginal delivery, or even a cesarean surgery. When you get regular chiropractic adjustments while you are expecting, you can keep your pelvis in proper alignment, making it easier for your baby to progress into the optimal position for delivery. Achieve ideal placement and prevent breeching by scheduling regular chiropractic adjustments beginning in the eighth month of pregnancy.

Enhanced Maternal Health

Chiropractic care seeks to address and remove nerve blockages in the spinal column that may inhibit your organs and immune system from working optimally. The better your immune system is in the weeks leading up to delivery, the healthier your baby’s immune system will be. Your baby and your health benefit from chiropractic therapy throughout pregnancy, and you may find relief from some of the discomforts by visiting a pregnancy chiropractor regularly. The first moment you hold your newborn; all the distressing symptoms will magically disappear.

You can turn to Align Health Grapevine for prenatal chiropractic care to ensure a healthy pregnancy with minimal complications. Please call us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our many chiropractic and prenatal services.

Do You Need A Chiropractor After You Have A Baby?

Do You Need A Chiropractor After You Have A Baby?

Chiropractors are typically used by athletes, active adults, pregnant women, and older folks. They treat the most common ailments like back pain, neck pain, joint stiffness, headaches, sciatica, sports injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, and much more. They also provide adjustments and muscle testing to determine which areas of the body are overused or underutilized.

Chiropractic care is different than other types of medical treatments because it focuses on health as well as healing. It’s not just about treating a disease but promoting overall wellness. That means that instead of focusing on curing an ailment with medications, they use non-drug methods such as adjusting your spine so that it can heal itself naturally.

While this article does not cover how to choose a chiropractor or recommend specific ones, it does discuss some of the benefits versus risks of chiropractic care following childbirth.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care After Delivery

There are several reasons why chiropractic care might benefit new moms. First, these treatments are meant to help restore strength and flexibility in muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons, and bones. When women give birth, their bodies change; hormones fluctuate; energy levels decrease, and their immune system gets weaker. By restoring proper biomechanics (the way the body moves), chiropractic care helps ensure that muscles get stronger, nerves stay healthy.

One of the main reason new moms seek chiropractic care is due to the fact that their bodies change dramatically during childbirth. The pelvis area becomes wider and can create tension on the ligaments around the knees and hips. If not properly addressed, this could result in painful knee conditions and hip problems.

A chiropractic adjustment will help relieve these pains as well as restore proper alignment. Some moms-to-be even report relief from prenatal or postpartum depression when they visit their doctor for an adjustment following delivery. Chiropractic care also helps increase flexibility so that pelvic floor strength issues don’t become too severe.

A third possible benefit is that chiropractic helps to reset the nervous system, which allows for proper healing and recovery from pregnancy, labor, delivery, and postpartum experiences.

Risks of Chiropractic Care After Birth

Although chiropractic care is generally safe for mothers who just went through childbirth, there are some important things to consider. Firstly, mothers should avoid chiropractic care while breastfeeding. It is recommended that mothers wait a few months after giving birth before seeking chiropractic treament.

Another risk to consider deals with the fact that treatment requires manual manipulation of joints. While this sounds harmless enough, there is an increased risk of injury when using force on fragile structures like tendons and ligaments, especially if those areas were weakened during childbirth. 

Similar to the reason above, chiropractic care requires extensive stretching. Due to the intense nature of this treatment, it can increase the chances of developing slipped disks.

Lastly, there’s a chance that chiropractic care won’t be effective for all individuals. Some people are unable to tolerate the force applied during an adjustment or don’t find relief after treatments.

Align Health

Ultimately, your decision whether to receive chiropractic care after giving birth should come down to what kind of care you want. Most doctors believe that chiropractic care works best for those who want natural remedies but still want to get better overall health. However, if you’re looking for something stronger than massage therapy, then chiropractic care may be right for you. Always consult with your physician before beginning new treatment.

In summary, chiropractic care offers a number of benefits for new moms. Contact Align Health to learn more about our services and see if chiropractic care is right for you!

When does a baby need a chiropractor?

When does a baby need a chiropractor?

Your infant can encounter a variety of physical situations during the process of childbirth. If their spine is twisted at any point they might develop asthma, stomach-related issues, or trouble with breastfeeding. Luckily chiropractic treatment can help correct issues with the spine so that your infant can live a healthy life!

It’s generally safe for infants to receive chiropractic treatment a few weeks after they exit the womb, but you should always consult your pediatrician before seeking care. There are a variety of reasons that chiropractic care for children can be beneficial including assisting with sensory system capability and conditioning the body to mend itself. This article dives more deeply into these advantages:

1. It helps to progress their physical development

Children grow extremely fast, and this is especially the case for infants. Their lower back and neck arches begin to develop as they learn how to sit and hold their head. If there are issues in the formation of these bones, this can create stress on the spine and inhibit growth. It can also cause pain and keep them from developing correctly. 

2. It helps their recovery after birth

The birth cycle can influence the nerves in your infant’s body. Chiropractic adjustments for infants work on fixing nerve issues and relieving pressure and strain which can alleviate reflux, smooth out breathing, and allow for better and deeper sleeping.

3. It facilitates colic side effects

Colic might be related to an underactive or juvenile gastrointestinal framework that prompts gas development and acid reflux. Leaving this ignored may make the gas get caught in your child’s stomach, causing torment and bulging. This results in incessant crying which is unpleasant for both infant and parent. 

If your infant is diagnosed with colic, you might try taking them to a chiropractor who can access their posture and make delicate adjustments to reduce gas development and acid reflux. They can also feel digestion tracks and note any abnormalities.    

4. It works on their vulnerable structure

The immune system is vital for infants to help fight off disease outside the womb. Since the immune system goes through the spine, it’s imperative that the spine is not misaligned or pinched. Making small adjustments to help realign the spine can improve the efficiency at which the immune system delivers white blood cells throughout the body.

5. It makes them less fastidious and touchy

Your infant might become particular and fussy, and recognizing the specific explanation that may make them feel as such can be challenging. This behavior could be the consequence of mechanical limitations in their spine, causing hardship and pain. Adjustments can mitigate pain and help infants be calmer. 

Align Health

A healthy spine is incredibly beneficial for your infant’s health and development. Chiropractic treatment can help correct any issues and help with your infant’s digestion, posture, and immune system. Align Health offers a variety of chiropractic services, so call us today to see whether treatment is right for your infant! We’re happy to answer any questions. 

Align Health - Can you go to a chiropractor while you_re pregnant

Can you go to a chiropractor while you’re pregnant?

How might chiropractic mind help during pregnancy?

There are numerous hormonal and physical changes that a woman will experience during pregnancy, and the physical changes will eventually affect a woman’s stance and balance. As a child grows inside of the mother’s stomach, the mother’s focal point of gravity will shift.

These substantial changes during a pregnancy can have lasting effects on other parts of the body, including the spine or joints. Additionally, a woman’s back can be affected as it has to carry additional weight, and the pelvis begins to prepare for childbirth. One common issue that pregnant women can experience is a tilted pelvis, meaning that it is out of alignment.

Regular visits to a bone and joint specialist during a woman’s pregnancy can resolve these issues, as the specialist can work to ease discomfort and directly address areas of pain. A release from pain can lead to a more positive and healthy pregnancy for both the mother and child.

Is chiropractic care helpful for an unborn child?

An unborn child needs room to develop in the mother’s womb, and a tilted pelvis can limit the amount of room available for a child to develop. Having a lack of space in the room can lead to health complications for children and mothers as well as physical pain.

While a tilted pelvis can present issues during pregnancy, it also can hinder childbirth itself by convoluting the child’s exit from the mother’s womb. The best position for a child to be in as it exits the mother is head down, back facing, and the mother has a better chance of getting the child into position is with optimal pelvic space. If there is no space to shift the baby before it comes out of the womb, the process of childbirth can be more drawn out and difficult.

Having a clear and unobstructed pelvis can be extremely beneficial for mothers and their babies, and chiropractic care can help keep the pelvis clear and open. Specific benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy include:

  • Easing pain on the mother during pregnancy, which contributes to lower stress and a healthier baby
  • Making sure the back, neck, hips, and joints are not unnecessarily worn down
  • Helping to control the side effects of pregnancy sickness

Seeking Treatment

If you are an expecting mother who could benefit from chiropractic care, first talk with your primary care provider and OBGYN. These doctors have a thorough understanding of your health and pregnancy and can advise whether or not you should seek out chiropractic treatment.

If they determine chiropractic care is safe for mother and baby, you should seek chiropractors with specialized experience dealing with pregnant patients. You can then work with the chiropractors to address areas of pain and create a treatment plan moving forward.


For mothers experiencing extreme discomfort during pregnancy, chiropractic treatment can be beneficial. It can address areas of pain in the back, hips, and joints and work out a tilted pelvic. As with any medical procedure, chiropractic care can be dangerous, especially during a pregnancy. Patients should always speak with their primary care doctors before moving forward with medical treatment. 

Contact Align Health today to learn more about our chiropractic services!

Align Grapevine - Does stem cell therapy work

How Stem Cell Therapy Helps Back Pain

What are stem cells?

Stem cells are cells that can be divided and differentiated to serve certain functions in your body. They may be divided into two types: embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells, and they can be found in adult tissues. Your doctor can collect these cells and utilize them to mend broken muscles or nerves when you seek stem cell therapy. Stem cells, which are the only cells in the body with the ability to make new cells naturally, have recently gained a lot of attention for their ability to repair damaged tissues. At Align Grapevine, pain management experts use stem cell treatment to provide their patients with a novel and effective therapeutic option.

What is the purpose of stem cell therapy?

Stem cell therapy, often known as “regenerative medicine,” uses stem cells to trigger a response from diseased, debilitated, or injured tissue. Medical practitioners throughout the world are intrigued by this form of treatment because, rather than relying on rare organ donors, stem cells can benefit many more individuals in a shorter period of time. Pain management experts are starting to use this form of treatment to help individuals with their medical issues. If a patient has heart disease, for example, the cells are injected into the heart muscle, and the new, healthy heart muscle cells help to mend the damaged area. Stem cells can also be used to treat the following illnesses or injuries:

  • Pain in the Knee
  • Osteoarthritis
  • tear in the meniscus
  • Arthritis of the Hip
  • Tears of Labral
  • Pain in the Shoulder
  • Tendonitis
  • Neck and back pain that continues to get worse
  • A Rotator Cuff that has been torn
  • Elbow and Wrist Injuries
  • Pain in the ankles and feet
  • Fracture that does not heal

Is it Possible for Stem Cells to help with Back Pain?

Theoretically, stem cell therapy is unrestricted. Because our stem cells are self-healing, the injections can help you avoid painful rehabilitation and reduce downtime after an injury. Despite the need for additional testing, scientists believe that this form of treatment could one day be used to treat a wide range of illnesses. Degenerative disc disease and the resulting back discomfort are one of them. Disc degeneration in the spine can occur for a variety of causes, but it always results in lower back problems. Treatment for lumbar degenerative disc degeneration usually consists of the following steps:

  • Medications available over-the-counter (OTC).
  • Medications that are anti-inflammatory.
  • Physical therapy 
  • Mobilization of the spine
  • Surgery.

Stem cells may be an effective treatment option for some people. The cells can be helpful in the healing process because they have the ability to develop into any type of cell in the body. The stem cells have an anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect when injected into the intervertebral discs by a pain management specialist. As a result, you’ll feel less discomfort and the degenerative process may be slowed.

Side effects that are common include:

Some patients may develop adverse effects following any treatment technique, although others may not. It’s not surprising, then, that stem cells have a few red flags. The side effects of stem cell therapy, on the other hand, are usually short-term and low-risk. Among them are:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • The affected tissue is causing you pain.
  • Nerve inflammation causes pain.

Keep in mind that any other medications you’re taking could weaken your immune system at this period, so double-check. This can result in a bothersome infection.
